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Wonder Group Made Substantial Progress on Several Projects in Europe

Jinzhou economic and trade delegation led by Wang Dejia, mayor of Jinzhou and deputy secretary of Jinzhou municipal party committee, attended the economic and trade discussion of Wonder Group in Stuttgart, Munich and Barcelona from June 3 to 9. Under the step up efforts of the delegation, Wonder has made substantial progress in several projects and reached consensus with partners.

Zeng Qingdong, president of Wonder Group, officially signed the agreement of establishing Wonder European R&D Center on Liaoning - Germany Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference on June 6. The establishment of European R&D center will build a bridge of high-end technical and commercial cooperation between Wonder and Europe. As a part of the Belt and Road Initiative, Wonder can export high quality auto components to European high-end customers like Benz and BMW, and bring back advanced technology and concepts from Europe in the mean time to realize co-development and optimal allocations of resources.

The delegation visited the automobiles proving ground of Idiada company in Barcelona and conducted effective communication about operation and construction status of the proving ground. Wonder also reached intent for cooperation on self-driving comprehensive proving ground with the company.

The delegation visited Staufen Consulting Academy in Stuttgart and agreed on building industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing academy by Staufen, Wonder Group and local government. The adademy will be located in Jinzhou city and support Liaoning province and northeast of China on promoting next level of industrialization 4.0.

During the stay in Germany, Wonder also discussed about the potential acquisition project of electric vehicle drive motor and made substantive progress as well.

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